Residency 2025/26

Sheng-Wen Lo

TW/NL, 1987
  • resident
    • 2019 – 2021

Artist statement

Sheng-Wen Lo is currently based in the Amsterdam. He is interested in relationships between non-humans and societies, and attempts to spark off debates. As a maker, he uses various medium, including still/moving images, sound and video games. He received his MA in Photography from AKV|St.Joost in the Netherlands, and MSc in Computer Science from the Computer Music Lab at National Taiwan University. Scientific process and perspectives are also crucial to his works.

Sheng is the creative director of Lightbox, a public photo library and a center for contemporary photography at Taipei. During his residency in Europe, he seeks to strengthen the mutual understandings between Taiwanese and the international contemporary photography scene through talks, discussions, writings, and collaborations.

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