In my work, the human body becomes an arena. I use my body as a tool as a material, making it an agent that symbolizes, intervenes, preserves, and questions our systems.
I use research to explore the future and delve into the implications of being unable to return to an origin. The impossibility of restoring my own lineage has created a void, prompting me to shift towards a trans-historic and trans-identity view of the present. In this world, I create new narratives to expose the conflicts and contradictions around us.
This process has transformed my work into a network of media and agents, extending beyond the fields of art.
Open Archive is an extensive collection of documentation of the resident’s work, our public programme and other Rijksakademie related events. You can filter by tag.
Exhibitions, performances, talks and other activities from residents and alumni outside the Rijksakademie.
Huidige residents, guest residents, tech fellows, advisors en teamleden. Voor een overzicht van Rijksakademie alumni, bezoek onze database.